If 2110 is part of your plans for the coming months, come and have a look at BBright booth where you can see a full 2110 workflow demo including Decoding, Monitoring, Playout and Lab source.
In a few words Guillaume Arthuis BBright founder and CEO explains BBright 2110 positioning and strategy: “Since 2020 date of our first 2110 deployment we kept focusing on giving to our customer high density and easy to deploy solutions in full IP environment. As an example our flagship solution BBright Decoder allow to decode up to 8 HD channels from IP to 2110. We see an increasing demand for 2110/Nmos compliant solutions and thanks to BBright great R&D team we are able to support major broadcast customers in their transition to 2110. Since 2013, we have accompanied our customers on Ultra HD projects, we are now delighted to be at their side in these new all-IP developments in UHD and HD”.